Day Care
Day care

This service is provided by YYNH to cater for both residents and visitors 65years and older, who do not require 24hours medical attention but are in need of socialization and mental stimulation or who just want a new environment all together. Day care services offer a safe and supportive environment where all the seniors can enjoy each other’s company and engage in various activities, medication administration and receive assistance with activities of daily living as needed
The day care service is a perfect solution for seniors who are living alone or with family members who are busy with their work or other commitments. It provides an opportunity for the elderly to participate in different activities, make new friends, and avoid social isolation. The service is available on a regular basis, depending on the needs and preferences of the individual.
The day care service is offered in a comfortable and welcoming environment. The nursing home staff ensures that the facility is clean and well-maintained, with ample space for seniors to move around and engage in various activities and they are also welcomed to join the outdoor activities which are intended to be calming and rejuvenating and where fit, take escorted mini trips. The staff also provides assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and toileting, as needed
One of the key benefits of day care service provided by YYNH is the opportunity for seniors to engage in various activities such as exercise classes, music therapy, art classes, games, and social events. These activities not only help in maintaining physical fitness but also in stimulating cognitive function, memory retention, and social interaction
Another advantage of day care service is the peace of mind it provides to family members. Knowing that their loved ones are being cared for and engaged in activities that promote their well-being, family members can focus on their own work or other commitments without worrying about their elderly loved ones’ safety and well-being
At YYNH, our outstanding Day Care Service also offers valuable support for seniors who require assistance with certain activities but would like to maintain their independence as much as possible. This service also helps them to easily transition, should they like to be residents at YYNH as they experience life. . If you have an elderly loved one who could benefit from day care service, consider reaching out to a nursing home or assisted living facility to learn more about their offerings.
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If you’d like to discuss care for a person living with dementia in more detail, or
find out about what we offer here at YYNH, just get in touch. We’re
more than happy to help with any questions you might have
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Mrs Adekola Tokunbo's In Home Care
My mother, Mrs. Adekola Tokunbo, received excellent care from Yahweh Yasad. The quality of service was top-notch, and we found great value for the price. We’d choose them again!