Getting started

welcome to Yahweh Yasad Nursing Homes

Enriching lives with quality care and kindness

Considering a care home for a loved one can be a challenging and emotional journey, both for the individual and their family. However, YYNH is here to make this journey as easy as possible for you. We understand that there are numerous factors to consider when searching for a care home, including location, fees, and quality of care. we are confident in providing the support and guidance needed to make the best decision for you and your family.

Moving into a care home can be daunting, however our trained staff aim to make this transition seamless. At YYNH, we pride ourselves in our ability to offer professional nursing and care services, creating a welcoming environment where individuals feel supported and cared for. Care plans are developed and tailored to meet  the individuals needs, activities are also implemented aimed to be fun, reassuring and inclusive, ensuring their mental wellbeing is cared for as well as their body. Let YYNH be your partner in this journey, and we will provide the care and support you need.

Assessing Your Needs

Before making any final decisions about a care home for your loved one, it’s essential to understand the costs involved and determine whether they’re eligible for any funding support. currently, there is no funding available in Yahweh Yasad Nursing Home, but will be in place in the future, however discounts will be available on individual basis.
Payments will be made on a subscription basis for residents that would reside in Yahweh Yasad Nursing Home. So monthly payments will depend on the care the resident is to receive and the minimum term will be three (3) months. A security deposit fee will be required tantamount to 1 month’s fee and this is to be recovered when resident no longer resides at Yahweh Yasad Nursing Home. However, individuals who receive home based care, will only need to pay as long as services are required.


The price difference at Yahweh Yasad Nursing Homes is determined by the type of home and room chosen. Rooms with larger space or access to outdoor areas have higher rates. The level of care, which is always of high quality, does not affect the price. Please request an assessment of care to get a tailored cost of care and plan of care by sending an email to

Minimum monthly charge for residents is N1,000,000. This cost covers 24/7 nursing care, top-notch accommodation,feeding and excellent facilities. Our fully furnished ensuite bedrooms, meals, and basic amenities such as electricity, TV, phone, internet, and laundry services are all included in the care home’s cost. Additionally, we provide a range of social activities and access to facilities such as hairdressing and minibus trips to help residents feel their best.

The cost of residential nursing home care at Yahweh Yasad Nursing Homes is higher due to the provision of specialized care by registered nurses, specifically tailored to those with medical needs. For dementia patients requiring specialist care, the costs may be even higher.

before taking up residency, a written agreement will be signed stating the terms and conditions. Please contact the manager of any of our homes if you would like a copy or more details.

Care Home ‘Top-Ups’

Whilst it is less common, some people make use of this option, which is when a friend or relative supports with a ‘top up’, or an amount of money which allows someone to move into a care or nursing home which they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford, or which is more expensive than the amount of support they’re entitled to from their local authority

Find Out About Fees & Funding

Before making any final decisions about a care home for your loved one, it’s essential to understand the costs involved and determine whether they’re eligible for any funding support.

At YYNH, our care home fees are typically payable by the individual, but there may be funding options available based on your circumstances. If you’re privately funded, you have the flexibility to choose your preferred care home based on your preferences. However, not all available rooms may be accessible to council-funded residents, resulting in less availability and fewer options.

Council-funded individuals receive support from the council to pay for the cost of the care home above what they can afford to pay. Eligibility for funding depends on individual circumstances and should be discussed with a social worker.

Understanding the costs and funding options for care homes can be complicated. To help guide you through the process, we’ve created a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about the costs and funding for care homes

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